hey guys its leafy is here., dont believe me? explainn this ya fuckin libs vvvvv
i know, i know. im literally him. just look at that cap and headphones combo. the eyebrows too? so fleek.
i'm a third wheeler
I'm a side-better
I'm a homewrecker
Give it up
I'm a third wheeler
I'm a side-better
I'm a homewrecker
Give it up, give it up, give it up
ok, to be honest i dont know why i made this. cya lads.
LeafyIsHere is Turkey Tom for millennials.
hell no turkey tom is just leafyishere with his modern looks and old personality. I fucking hate that guy. he's so obnoxious. leafyishere is JUST as cringe but at least he had the excuse of being a teenager